A. Show Time - Display date & time in red within capture screen.
B. Timer Shot - Captures and saves a bitmap picture after five seconds. Timer
adjustable by clicking on have file options button. Ref. D)
C. Snap Shot -Capture and saves an instant bitmap picture.
D. Save File - Displays and allows capture of destination path and filename of bitmap
capture file.
E. Motion Detection - launched motion and set up monitoring. Apply to 320x240
F. Record - Capture Video Recording
G. Advanced Setting: Set up the video parameters, adjust the brightness , contrast and
color. Etc.
H. Recorder Settings - Adjust video and audio recorder settings
I. Video and Image capture size.
J. Viewer Window
Still Shot Capture
1. Select picture capture size format (ref. H in Figure1)
2. Enter destination filename and path (ref. D in Figure1)
3. Focus camera on source.
4. Click on Snap Shot Button (ref. C in Figure1)
(Note. Still Shots can be captured using the silver button
on the spotter webcam)
Video Capturing
1. Focus camera on capture source.
2. Click on the run Recorder button to begin recording. (ref. in Figure1).
3. To stop recording click on the same button.
4. Output file path [*] and audio settings can be changed by clicking the Record
Settings button ( ref. J in Figure1)
(Note. Audio settings only apply to the Scout Camera that has audio capture features)
[*] Default files will be saved under
Wireless Camera Watcher
installing folder
Such as:
C:\Program Files\Wireless Camera Watcher
Resolution Settings
You can select the video capture size by simply selecting 1 of the 5 video resolution
options available (denoted by H in Figure1). The default setting resolution is
320X240. You will immediately see the results in the viewer screen alongside the
control centre panel.
Motion Detection
You can select the Motion Detection function by simply selecting
Scan object,
Capture still, Open alarm
while detects motion. (denoted by F in Figure1).
Specifications of receiver: