Hammer Engines GmbH / IQ-Serie / Instruction Manual
Radio equipment
The turbine is operated by the throttle channel:
Startup initiation
RPM / thrust control during flight
Shut down
You have to teach the transmitter before operating the turbine for the first
time or after reset to factory setting!
Turbine startup:
1. Throttle trim and throttle stick to minimum
2. Throttle trim and throttle stick to maximum - STANDBY
3. Throttle stock to minimum
4. Throttle stick back to maximum within a 3 second window -> STARTUP
RPM/Thrust control
Once the turbine has successfully started and finished the calibration process the turbine can
be controlled by the throttle stick.
Throttle stick and trim to minimum, this will initiate the shutdown sequence.
Transmitters with digital trim
We recommend mixing a switch in with your throttle channel to enable a quick „minimum
throttle trim “sequence.
FAIL SAFE / Receiver glitch
The ECU continuously monitors whether the throttle signal is valid and within limits. When
you teach the transmitter you are setting upper and lower limits. Should there be a command
below or above set limits the system will go to failsafe. Status display 1 will read „ –FAIL“
instead of a valid throttle readout in %.
FAIL SAFE Settings in Menu 3.4
Delay between first occurrence of glitch or bad command and initiation of failsafe thrust