Hamlet Stoves Wood & Multifuel Stoves
Primary flow and return pipes should be 28mm
diameter. The cylinder should be installed at a
higher level than the appliance, and as close to it as
possible (the higher the cylinder the faster the
circulation). The flow and return pipes should not
be longer than 20ft each. Pipe runs should rise
continually from the boiler to the cylinder.
A radiator of approximately 25 sq.ft. should be
connected into the primary circuit, if installed in the
bathroom it provides a means of drying towels in
the summer.
Safety Vent Circuit
This circuit consists of a cold feed pipe, expansion
pipe, and expansion tank. The possibility that water
may boil can never be completely ruled out, and it
is therefore vital to ensure that cold water can be
supplied to the boiler and steam vented from it at all
The expansion tank should have a capacity of at
least 7 % of the system's water capacity. The cold
water feed pipe should be at least 22mm diameter.
There must not be any shut off valves in the circuit.
Pipes should be run to avoid air locks. A spring
safety valve should be fitted to the expansion pipe
close to the boiler.
It is often possible, and is good practice, to utilise
the primary flow and return as part of the safety
circuit. The ball valve should have a copper ball.
The overflow pipe from the expansion tank should
be 28mm diameter copper. Pipes in unheated
spaces must be lagged.
Before handing over the installation to the
customer it is strongly recommended that the
appliance is lit and the functioning of the chimney,
hot water and heating system is checked.
A checklist (Pre-lighting Checks) appears in the
Operating Instructions, but in addition to this the
installer should:
Operate the heating system and set the
pump head.
Balance the radiators.
Re-vent and ensure no air locks.
Check the circulation round the primary
system and the heat leak radiator,
particularly when the pump is running, to
ensure circulation is not reversed.
Be sure that the chimney is operating and
that ALL smoke and fumes are vented to
the atmosphere through the chimney
Check all joints and seals.
Clean the outside of the appliance to
prevent any stains becoming burnt on.
Check the flue draught which should read
1 - 2mm, or 0.1 - 0.2mbar.
The following details
be checked and
completed in full by the installer at the time of
installation. Please answer all questions as fully as
Hamlet Stoves
can not be held responsi-
ble for chimney or installation.
Is the boiler cross-flowed? YES / NO
Are the pipes correctly sized?
What is the calculated output
required to heat the system?
Is a heat leak fitted?
What is the return water temperature?
Is the pump thermostatically
controlled by a pipe stat?
What is the height and distance of the
hot water tank above the stove?