Pops will not freeze.
Pops are “stuck” in the base.
Pops are taking too long to
I lost my pop sticks and/or
removal tool.
Tabs on stick will not sit
properly in the mold.
• Pop base may not have gotten cold enough. Ensure base is placed in freezer for at least 24 hours
before use. Fill pop slots immediately after taking base out of freezer since the unit will begin to
defrost as it sits out.
• May have waited too long in between batches.
• Be mindful of the ingredients used in your pops—anything with too much sugar, oil, alcohol, or fat
will not freeze well.
• Wash and dry base, then dry thoroughly. Refreeze and try again!
• Remember, there may be a small amount of liquid left on the very top surface of the pop. This is
normal and does not mean that pops are not frozen.
• Occasionally, pops will stick to the inside of the mold. Do not let pops sit in base after the appropriate
freezing time has elapsed. Try first to release with the pop removal tool, but do not force it. If pops
still will not remove, wash out base, dry, and refreeze.
• Be mindful of artificial sweeteners in pops—these can make them almost impossible to remove.
• Pop base may not have gotten cold enough. Ensure base is placed in freezer for at least 24 hours
before use. Fill pop slots immediately after taking base out of freezer since the unit will begin to
defrost as it sits out. Also, the liquid used may not have been cold enough.
• Please call 1.800.851.8900 in the U.S. or 1.800.267.2826 in Canada to order replacement parts, or visit
hamiltonbeach.com in the U.S. or hamiltonbeach.ca in Canada to order replacement parts online.
• Make sure sticks are inserted BEFORE POURING LIQUID and that there are no other ingredients at
the bottom of the mold. The pop will not pull out properly if not in the appropriate position.
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