08-315 (3/6/12)
Q. Is it possible to replace a defective audio matrix with a different model of audio matrix?
A. Generally speaking the answer is yes, but observe the following guidelines:
4000 and 5000 Series audio matrixes can replace each other with no problems even if the system
has video. A 4000 Series audio matrix will work fine with a 5000 Series video matrix or vice
4000 and 5000 Series audio matrixes can replace 3000 Series audio matrixes if the system does
not have video. The communications and cabling to a 3000 Series video matrix is different than
4000 or 5000 Series video matrixes so in this case it would be necessary to replace both the
audio and video matrixes.
3000 Series audio matrixes should not be used to replace 4000 or 5000 Series audio matrixes
because of possible console issues – see the previous question. Also it would not be compatible
with a 4000 or 5000 Series video matrix.
Whenever replacing an older matrix with a new one be sure to check the power supply. Older
Samlex power supplies (3A or 10A) can develop problems as they age. As the capacitors dry out
there will be AC ripple on the DC output. Also these power supplies are listed as 13.6VDC but
the output has been known to rise as high as 18VDC or more as they age. This will cause
equipment failures. The recommended power supply to use with a new matrix is E10171 which
is much smaller and rated at 12VDC, 5.5A.
Q. Why are the MIC DC switches not present on the current 5000 series audio matrixes?
A. These switches were used to set the type of customer lane microphone. The switch needed to be set
to the down (DC) position for electret microphones and to the up position for dynamic microphones.
It was somewhat common for these switches to be set wrong during installation and then the lane
microphones would not work. For this reason, and because it is extremely rare that dynamic
microphones are used, the switches have been omitted and the matrix boards have been internally set
to the DC position.
Q. What are the requirements for the auxiliary audio input on the matrix?
A. This is a standard line level input like you would find from the output of a computer sound card. A
level adjustment next to the RCA connectors on the matrix controls the volume. Left and right
channel connectors allow for connection to a stereo source but they will be mixed together for a
mono output at the customer lane. If a mono source is used, either input on the matrix can be used.
Q. The console cable that ships with each audio console is too short for a particular installation. Can I
make a longer cable without causing problems?
A. This cable has been tested at lengths up to 50 feet with no problems. Use standard category 5 cable
with wire colors matching at each RJ45 connector. Contact tech support (877-236-0245) for
guidance if greater lengths are needed.
Q. I have a problem site where the matrix and/or audio consoles are failing prematurely. Sometimes
cycling power to the system will cause it to start working again. What could be happening?
A. You should start by checking for power problems, especially if this is an old building. “Dirty” power
with voltage spikes or current surges can cause all kinds of problems with electronic equipment.
Static electricity also causes problems and is generally more likely during the winter months. All
consoles with a metal chassis should have a ground wire (16AWG or larger) attached at the rear to
help divert static around the components. Attach the ground wire to the best ground source available.
An electrical ground is usually adequate. In severe cases it may be necessary to use static mats or
take other means to prevent static from happening. 5501 series consoles are less likely to be affected
by static electricity than any of the other consoles.