Ultra PicoKeyer
27 January 2017 (Firmware V2.2)
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Firmware version history
Vers. Date
1.0 2014/09/23 Initial release
1.1 2014/10/23
Fixed message record with sidetone OFF
Fixed letter spacing (L) = 1
Changed multi-press button scan timing to make it more reliable
Fixed auto letter spacing and multi-button interaction
1.2 2014/11/09
Fixed sidetone during speed announcement, QSO decrement and tune mode
1.3 2014/11/28
Improved paddle response during message transmission
Fixed message save issue that was truncating messages at 64 bytes, followed by a
compiler bug that was corrupting longer messages.
1.4 2015/01/09
Disabled BOR for power reduction, and to fix problems with chips resetting when
buttons or paddles are pressed. This happens only with certain chips (silicon rev?)
1.5 2015/01/20
Fixed message record backspace (8 dits) to leave the space
after the previous word
Fixed use of multiple /Snn commands in a message
1.6 2015/03/04
Fixed beacon delays > 25 seconds
2.0 2015/05/15
Added MYCALL setting. MYCALL consists of two message slots, each of which
can be any string up to 63 characters.
Added QRSS mode, with dot lengths from 1 to 255 seconds.
Added support for separate PTT output on RC5 (pin 5)
“Relaxed” the paddle timing when recording messages, to allow a little more time
before determining end-of-character.
Fixed short menu mode for MENU and MYCALL.
Fixed paddle/straight key detect in all cases.
Improved memory stacking button response. Messages can be stacked up
to 4 deep.
Pressing the same memory button while a message is playing will terminate
the message.
Added ~ 32 second timeout to setup menu.
Paddle re-scan using middle buttons will now announce "P" for PADDLE or
"K" for KEY.
Added BANK 2 with four more memory slots, and BANK/BK menu.