Entering the password for the Powerline adapters:
Once you have entered the Powerline adapter password,
you can also protect your data traffi c with a network
password later!
Now choose the adapter you wish from the main menu by
selecting it with the mouse and clicking
-> Enter Device
In this window, enter the adapter password you previ-
ously made note of in the
“Device Password”
fi eld , then
-> OK
For all further adapters, please proceed in the same way.
9. Adding a Powerline Adapter:
If, later, you would like to expand your Powerline network
by one or more compatible Powerline adapters, you must
fi rst add these in the
Hama Powerline Confi guration
To do this, click
-> Add Device
in the main menu of the
Confi guration Utility.
In the
Device Name
entry fi eld, enter the same password
as for the adapters that were connected previously.
You will fi nd this password by clicking on the
tab in the utility. It is located in the
Password of
your Powerline network
entry fi eld. The default for this
In the
Device Password
entry fi eld, enter the password
found on the new adapter exactly as printed. You will
normally fi nd this password on the product label backside
of the Powerline adapter. Then click
-> OK
. You have now
added the new adapter.
If you would like to add further adapters, proceed in the
same way.
10. Changing the Shared Password of Your Powerline
HomePlug 1.0 Turbo
compatible adapters are deli-
vered with the default password
as part of the
factory settings.
The password can only be changed under the following
1. The
Hama Powerline 85 Mbps Utility
must be
installed on a Windows PC/laptop.
2. All required Powerline adapters must have been
either automatically recognized by the Confi guration
Utility or added manually by yourself.