Possible cause
The peer to which a connec-
tion is to be made is shown in
the list of available networks,
but no connection can be
made .
The profile settings
are not correct .
Check the following settings:
Network name (SSID)
Checkbox "Ad-hoc" cor-
rectly activated?
Network authentication
Data encryption correct?
Network code correct
(pay attention to capitali-
The connection to the peer
has been made, but folders or
interfaced devices cannot be
accessed .
The desired resource
(folder, drive, printer
or Internet connection)
has not been enabled .
Enable the desired resource
for sharing in the network .
Information can be found in
the 'Help' of the operating
system .
Limited connectivity .
The network code is
not correct .
Check the network code .
No IP address al-
located .
Automatic assignment of IP
addresses is deactivated
(DHCP server) .
The DHCP server has not
yet completed the automatic
allocation of the IP address
(this can take several min-
utes) .
Set the IP address manually .
No data can be exchanged via
an "ad-hoc" connection .
No IP address al-
located .
See "Limited connectivity" .
Network code, work
group or "ad-hoc"
network name do not
match .
Check the settings:
Channel numbers do
not match .
Set the correct channel
numbers .