Configuring a profile
When adding a new profile or editing an existing profile, a new win-
dow opens in which the settings for the profile can be made.
Profile name:
Name of the profile for easier identification.
For example: "Office" or "Home".
Network name
The unique network name as it is dis-
played in the list of available networks .
This is a computer-
to-computer network
If this checkbox is activated, the connec-
tion is made to another WLAN-compatible
device and not to a router or access point .
This selection is only available for an
ad-hoc network. A fixed channel number
between 1 and 13 must be set for the con-
nection .
Network authentica-
The network authentication must match
the settings for the network to which
the connection is to be made . The fol-
lowing can be selected: Open, Shared,
WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA 802 .1x,
WPA2 802 .1x and WEP 802 .1x .
Data encryption:
The data encryption must match the set-
tings for the network to which the connec-
tion is to be made . The following can be
Deactivated, WEP, AES and TKIP .