Capture Jet
Water Wash
Operation & Maintenance & Service Manual
Halton AccuFlow
The AccuFlow by Halton is a Bluetooth equipped device intended to monitor the exhaust airflow rate
of Halton Capture Jet hoods and alarm kitchen staff if the hood is above or below design. The device
(shown below in Photo 1) has two taps (Photo 2) that are connected to the exhaust hood to monitor
the differential pressure between ambient air and the exhaust plenum; the T.A.B Port reading.
AccuFlow installs in Capture Jet plenum for easy viewing and access. The device shares an electrical
circuit with the Capture Jet fan.
Photo 1 – Halton AccuFlow
Photo 2 – AccuFlow Pressure Taps
Exhaust airflow rate is determined in the same fashion as other Halton Capture Jet hoods; each
hood has a unique K-Factor dependent upon model. The actual airflow is compared to the design
value and an alarm is enabled if airflow is above or below the specified range.
Connects to ambient (room) air
Connects to T.A.B. port
Plastic tubing connected to (-) port of
Accuflow device