SPOGG Sport-Güter GmbH • Schulstr. 27 • D-35614 Asslar-Berghausen
16 Hand over document
After the installation of the equipment pass the installation and mainte-
nance documents to the operator. The operator has to receive the hand
over documents. The complete filled and signed hand over document
should be sent to the supplier Spogg Sport-Güter GmbH per T49
6443 81 12 62
Type of item:
Climbing net chimney
Serial number:
Customer or operator (Town, Town council, Kindergarten, etc.):
Competent person in charge:
Installation company (address):
Responsible assistant (assembler):
Received the complete assembly instructions, maintenance instructions and mainte-
nance printout,
(Signature of operator)
(Signature of installation company)
Date: ________________________