LCD Display in Sleep Mode
Game Rules
Your electronic dartboard is loaded with games and options. The rules for each game are
detailed below in the order they appear on the LCD display when paging through the games.
The game number is indicated next to each game for your reference.
This popular tournament and pub game is played by subtracting each dart from the starting
until the player reaches exactly 0 (zero). If a player goes past zero it is
considered a “
” and the score returns to where it was at the start of that round. For
example, if a player needs a 32 to finish the game and he/she hits a 20, 8, and 10 (totals 38),
the score goes back to 32 for the next round.
In playing the game, the double in / double out option can be chosen (double out is the most
widely used option).
Starting number 401
Starting number 701
Starting number 501
Starting number 801
Starting number 601
Starting number 901
Cricket is a strategic game for accomplished players and beginners alike. Players throw for
numbers best suited for them and can force opponents to throw for numbers not as suitable
for them. The object of Cricket is to “close” all of the appropriate numbers before one’s
opponent while racking up the highest number of points.
Only the numbers 15 through 20 and the inner/outer bullseye are used
. Each player
must hit a number 3 times to “open” that segment for scoring (Refer to Tournament Cricket
Scoring section for explanation on how players’ marks are registered). A player is then
awarded the number of points of the “open” segment each time he/she throws a dart that
lands in that segment, provided their opponent has not closed that segment. Hitting the
double ring counts as two hits, and the triple ring counts as 3 hits.
Numbers can be opened or closed in any order. A number is “closed” when the other
player(s) hit the open segment 3 times. Once a number has been “closed”, any player for the
remainder of the game can no longer score on it.
- The side closing all the numbers first and accumulating the highest point total is the
winner. If a player “closes” all numbers first but is behind in points, he/she must continue to
score on the “open” numbers. If the player does not make up the point deficit before the
opposing player(s) “closes” all the numbers, the opposing side wins. Play continues until all
segments are closed - the winner is the player with the highest score.
Cricket Scoring Display
This dartboard utilizes a dedicated scoreboard within the LCD display that keeps track of each
player’s segment status when playing Cricket. When Cricket is selected, individual characters
will be utilized to register marks. There are 3 separate lights within each number (15 through
20 and bullseye). During play, one of the status lights will turn on (black will appear) as a
segment is hit. If a double or triple of an active number is hit, 2 or 3 lights will turn on
Same rules as standard Cricket except there is no point scoring. The object of this version is
to be the first to simply “close” all the appropriate numbers (15 through 20 and the bullseye).
(For 2 players only)
This game is a variation of Cricket. The game consists of two rounds. The players have a
different objective in each round. In round 1, player 1 tries to “close” (score 3 hits in each
segment - 15 to 20 and bullseye). During this time, player 2 attempts to rack up as many
points in the segments that the other player has not yet closed. Once player 1 has closed all
segments, round 1 is complete. In round 2, each player’s roles are reversed. Now, player 2
tries to close all the segments while player 1 goes for points.
The game is over when round 2 is complete (player 2 closes all segments). The player with
the highest point total is the winner.
Same basic rules as standard Cricket except once scoring begins, points are added to your
opponent(s) total. The object of this game is to end up with the fewest points. This variation
of Cricket offers a different psychology to the players. Rather than adding to your own score
and helping your own cause as in standard Cricket, Cut-Throat offers the benefit of racking up
points for your opponent(s), digging him in a deeper hole. Competitive players will love this
The object of this game is to be the first player to reach the specified point total (300). Point
total is specified when the game is selected. Each player attempts to score as many points as
possible per round. Doubles and triples count 2 or 3 times the numerical value of each
segment. For example a dart that lands in the triple 20 segment is scored as 60 points. The
cumulative scores for each player will be displayed in the LCD display as the game
Additional variations of this game are detailed below. The rules are the
same except the point total varies as indicated in the number.
High Score - 3 Rounds
The rules for this competitive game are simple - Rack up the most points in three rounds (nine
darts) to win. Doubles and triples count as 2x and 3x that segment’s score respectively.
Additional variations of this game are detailed below. The rules are the same except
the number of rounds varies as indicated in the number.
High Score - 4 Rounds
High Score - 10 Rounds
High Score - 5 Rounds
High Score - 11 Rounds
High Score - 6 Rounds
High Score - 12 Rounds
High Score - 7 Rounds
High Score - 13 Rounds
High Score - 8 Rounds
High Score - 14 Rounds
High Score - 9 Rounds
– r1 singles
Each player attempts to score in each number from 1 through 20 and bullseye
in order.
player throws 3 darts per turn. If a correct number is hit, he/she tries for the next number in
sequence. The first player to reach 20 is the winner.
The display will indicate which segment you are shooting for. A player must continue shooting
for a segment until it is hit. The display will then indicate the next segment you should shoot
There are many difficulty settings available for this game. Each game has the same rules, the
differences are detailed as follows:
- Game starts at segment number 5
- Game starts at segment number 10
- Game starts at segment number 15
Since this game does not utilize point scoring, the double and triple rings count
as single numbers.
We have added some additional levels of difficulty to this game for
those looking for a real challenge!:
- Player must score a
in each segment from 1
through 20 in order.
ROUND-THE-CLOCK Double 5 (G37)
- Game starts at double segment 5
ROUND-THE-CLOCK Double 10 (G38)
- Game starts at double segment 10
- Game starts at double segment 15
)- Player must score a
in each segment from 1
through 20 in order.
ROUND-THE-CLOCK Triple 5 (G41)
- Game starts at triple segment 5
ROUND-THE-CLOCK Triple 10 (G42)
- Game starts at triple segment 10
- Game starts at triple segment 15
This game will really show who your friends are. The game can be played with as few as two
players, but the excitement and challenge builds with even more players. To start, each
player must select his number by throwing a dart at the target area. The LCD display will
indicate “SEL” at this point. The number each player gets is his assigned number throughout
the game. No two players can have the same number. Once each player has a number, the
action starts.
Your first objective is to establish yourself as a “Killer” by hitting the double segment of your
number. Once your double is hit, you are a “Killer” for the rest of the game. Now, your
objective is to “kill” your opponents by hitting their segment number until all their “lives” are
lost. The last player to remain with lives is declared the winner. It is not uncommon for
players to “team up” and go after the better player to knock him out of the game.
Each player starts the game with 40 points. The object is to score as many hits in the active
segment of the current round. The first round, the player must throw for the 15 segment. If no
15’s are hit, his score is cut in half. If some 15’s are hit, each 15 (doubles and triples count) is
added to the starting total. The next round players throw for the 16
segment and hits are added to the new cumulative point total. Again, if no hits are registered,
the point total is cut in half.
Each player throws for the numbers as indicated in the chart below in order (the LCD screen
will indicate the active segment in which to throw). The player who completes the game with
the most points is the winner.
15 16 D 17 18 T 19 20 B TOTAL
Player 1
Player 2
This game follows similar rules as standard Double Down as described above with two
exceptions. First, instead of going from 15 through 20 and bullseye, the sequence is reversed
which will be indicated on the LCD display. Second, an additional round is included toward
the end in which players must attempt to score three hits that add up to 41 points (20, 20, 1;
19, 19, 3; D10, D10, 1: etc.). This “41” round adds an extra level of difficulty to the game.
Any Double
Any Triple
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