Halex Electronic Dartboard _ 17
triple on the first shot of a hole it is counted as an “eagle” and that player gets a completes
that hole with 1 “stroke.”
The active player continues to throw darts until he “holes out”
(scores 3 hits on
the current hole). The voice announcer will indicate the player that is up - listen carefully to
avoid shooting out of sequence. By the way, there are no “gimmes” in this game!
Strap your helmet on for this game! The first thing necessary is to select each player’s
“playing field.” This can be done by throwing a dart or by manually pressing a segment on
the board by each player. This is entirely up to you, but whichever segment is selected
becomes your starting point which carries through the bullseye and directly across to the
other side of the bullseye (see diagram).
For example, if you select the 20 segment, you start on the double 20 (outer ring) and
continue all the way through to the double 3. The “field” is made up of 11 individual
segments and must be hit in order. So, keeping with the example above, you must throw
darts in the following segments in this order:
Double 20 ... Outer Single 20 ... Triple 20 ... Inner Single 20 ... Outer Bullseye ... Inner
Bullseye ... Outer Bullseye ... Inner Single 3 ... Triple 3 ... Outer Single 3 ... and finally a
Double 3.
The First player to “score” is the winner. The LED display will keep track of your progress
and indicate the segment you need to throw for next.
This dartboard version of baseball takes
a great deal of skill. As in the real game,
a complete game consists of 9 innings.
Each player throws 3 darts per “inning.”
The field is laid out as shown in the diagram.
Singles segments
“Single” - one base
Doubles segment
“Double” - two bases
Triples segment
“Triple” - Three bases
“Home Run” (
can only
be attempted on third
dart of each round
The object of the game is to score as many runs as possible each inning. The player with
the most runs at the end of the game is the winner.
The object of this game is to be the first player to finish the “race” by being the first to
complete the “track.” The track starts at the 20 segment and runs clockwise around the
board to the 5 segment and ends with a bullseye. Sounds easy right? What has not yet
been specified is that you must hit the inner single segment of each number to get through
the course. This is the area between the bullseye and the triples ring. And, as with a real