Using Discharge Quicksets, Presets, And The SET PRESSURE Widget
Quicksets are discharges set up by the AHJ. After ensuring hose(s) are attached and deployed, touch the as-
sociated quickset bubble (lower right section of the screen, see Figure 9), drag the balloon, and drop it on
the quickset target (PUSH TO PUMP) (Figure 11). SAM increases engine speed to provide the pressure set-
ting and the discharge valve opens to charge the line, then SAM controls as required to maintain the set
pressure. NOTE: The blue bar at the bottom of the area indicates normal SAM Auto Mode control.
Figure 11. Activating Quickset Discharges (Touch – Drag – Drop)
NOTE: Once one discharge is opened, the discharge area changes to show SAM can automatically control up
to six (6) discharges. To add more discharges simply: 1. Activate another quickset (drag desired quickset but-
ton to the ADD LINE button/target. or 2. Touch the ADD LINE button/target.
If the ADD LINE button/target was touched, the SELECT DISCHARGE screen (left - below) is displayed (shows
all available discharges, up to 12), touch the desired discharge button. Set the desired discharge pressure
using a preset balloon (top right below) or the SET PRESSURE widget (lower right below) from the VALVE xx
screen. See Figure 12. If using the preset, simply drag the preset balloon to the SET PRESSURE target or
touch (without dragging it to the target, the YES /NO popup buttons will appear, then touch YES). If using the
widget, touch + or – button as required to show desired pressure on the gauge, the YES /NO popup buttons
will appear. If the widget was used, the setting will NOT active until you touch YES. (Touch NO to do nothing.)
Figure 12. Activating Additional Discharges (Use Preset Balloon or SET PRESSURE Widget)
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