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Audible relay noise
The dm8 & dm10 use mechanical relays in all switching including the volume
control because they exhibit the following
ideal characteristics
zero ON resistance,
infinite OFF impedance,
very low OFF capacitance,
zero distortion.
In contrast, the now universally popular solid state relays/switches exhibit
none of these ideal properties and detract from performance.
Hence, sonically, HALCRO™ feels that it is worth the side effect of
mechanical clicking sounds when parameters are changed.
By Paul Rainbow
The excellent audio electronics are complemented and controlled by a number
of highly integrated micro-controllers located close to the electronics they
serve. Being as near as possible to the controlled electronics allows short
control paths and virtually eliminates internal connectors, thereby greatly
increasing system reliability.
Each amplifier channel has its own micro-controller; the front panel display
and user interface has another. A fourth micro-controller, located on the rear
connector panel, co-ordinates the activity of the others. The four micro-
controllers are linked via only four interconnections each.
A unique programming feature of the microprocessor has been developed
which allows the user to dedicate a particular pair of input sockets to a
specific input device. This feature provides the user with great flexibility for
connecting input devices to the preamplifier. The rear panel has provision to
accommodate five input devices into seven physical pairs of input sockets.
There is one pair of current inputs, three pairs of balanced inputs and three
pairs of unbalanced inputs. Phono inputs do not require programming as they
are permanently allocated to the phono source (in the dm10).