Haklift Oy
Asessorinkatu 3-7
20780 Kaarina, Finland
Tel. +358 2 511 5511
Lifting Solutions Group
Axel Johnson International
Lowering the jack
Carefully open the release valve by slowly turning the handle counterclockwise.
How it works
With release valve closed
An upward stroke of the jack handle draws oil from the reservoir tank into the plunger cavity. Hydraulic
pressure holds the valve closed, which keeps the oil in the plunger cavity.
A downward stroke of the jack handle releases oil into the cylinder, which forces the ram out. This
raises the saddle.
When the ram reaches maximum extension, oil is bypassed back into the reservoir to prevent an over
extended ram stroke and possible damage to the jack.
Opening the release valve allows oil to flow back into the reservoir. This releases hydraulic pressure
on the ram, which results in lowering the saddle.
To add oil:
Position the jack on level ground and lower the saddle. Remove the breathing screw.
Fill the oil case until oil level is just beneath the lower rim of oil fill hole. Replace breathing screw.
Perform the air purge procedure described below.
To replace oil:
Fully open release valve by turning handle counterclockwise as far as it will go.
Turn the jack over so that old oil will drain from the oil fill hole.
Refill through oil fill hole. Keep dirt and other material clear when pouring. Fill to just beneath lower
rim of hole. Replace breathing screw.
Perform air purge procedure described below.
Add lubricating oil (WD-40) to all moving parts when needed.
For light duty use lubricate every six months.
For heavy and constant use lubrication recommended every month.
Rust preventation:
Check ram and pump plunger on the power unit assembly every two months (or sooner, based on
usage) for any signs of rust or corrosion. Lift the jack as high as it goes and look under and behind the
lifting arm. If signs of rust are visible, clean as needed and wipe down with an oily cloth or WD-40.
When storing the jack, always have the saddle and pump plunger in the down position.
On a regular basis (at least once a year
– more frequent if required by working conditions) a thorough
inspection of the product shall be carried out and documented by a qualified person.