4.3 Shot-blasted Surfaces
The physical nature of shot-blasted surfaces results in coating thickness readings that are too high. The mean
thickness over the peaks can be determined as follows.
Method one:
a. The gauge should be calibrated according to 4.2(one or more points calibration). Use a smooth calibration
sample with the same curvature radius and the same substrate as the later measuring sample.
b. Take approx. 10 readings on the uncoated, shot-blasted sample to produce the mean value A.
c. Take approx. 10 further readings on the coated, shot-blasted test sample to produce the mean value B.
d. The coating thickness T=(B-A)
±S. The “S” is the greater standard deviation of step b and step c.
Method two:
a. The gauge should be calibrated according to 4.2(one or more points calibration) on the shot-blasted sample.
b. Take approx. 10 readings on the test sample to produce the mean value that used as final coating thickness.
4.4 Clear Calibration
User can clear calibration to start new applications. When there are incorrect calibration, User should also
clear it.
a. Press “Left Key” once to enter into menu mode(”Root” directory);
b. Press “Up Key” or “Down Key” to activate “Calibration” item, and press “Left Key” once to enter in;
c. Press “Up Key” or “Down Key” to activate ”Clear All” item(Note: User can decide to clear only part of them,
please see the menu for details), and press “Left Key” once. A dialog box will be displayed.
d. Press “Left Key” once to confirm the selection and go back, or “Right Key” to cancel and back.
All operations are limited in current work group, and the other groups will not be affected.