MANDO Adapt T211
Order h49 7144.907-333
7.2 Preliminary remarks
In accordance with their thread size and strength class,
screws must be tightened crosswise to the specified
tightening torque [see »Screw tightening torques« chap-
ter]. When tightening the screws, do so evenly to prevent
any distortion under load.
To avoid precision errors, clean all screw-fitting points
and mating surfaces [Notes on cleaning, see »Clean-
ing« chapter]. Factory wetting of flat surfaces and,
where necessary of clamping elements, only serves as
a corrosion inhibitor. This is not functionally related lu-
Only apply lubricant to the mechanical mating surfaces.
Pay attention to notes about lubricants [see »Use of lub-
ricants« chapter].
Avoid too much lubricant on the locating face because
this can cause face run-out errors.
Apply grease to the sealing elements [for example O-
rings, rectangular rings] and sealing surfaces. Pay atten-
tion to notes about greases [see »Use of lubricants«
Do not damage the functional surfaces [flat, mating, ta-
pered and sealing surfaces].
7.3 Screw tightening torques
The tables show the specified values.
Knowledge of the applicable guidelines and design criteria is
Damage to materials caused by defective screw
tightening torques!
To secure the product to the machine, pay
attention to the values specified by HAINBUCH
and by the machine manufacturer for screw
tightening torques. If the machine manufacturer
stipulates different values, you must consult