3. Technical information
The relevant technical information and product-specific
information are on the ladder label [B] directly on the
Single ladder [1]
Single ladder
[B] Ladder label
[C ] Crossbar
(Item no. 7112-xxx, 7115-xxx, 7118-xxx)
Ladder foot
(Item no. 7106-xxx, 7109-xxx)
Extension ladder (2-section) [2]
[ A-1] Rear standing section
[ A-2] Front extension section
[B] Ladder label
[C] Crossbar
[D] Pair of locking hooks
[E ]
Guide bracket
Rope-pull ladder (2-section) [3]
[ A-1] Front standing section
[ A-2] Rear extension section
[B] Ladder label
[C ] Crossbar
[D] Rope pull catch
[E ]
Guide bracket
[F ]
Rail guidance
Pull rope