Below are the steps which
h a v e t o b e f o l l o w e d t o
ensure proper and safe usage
of the Lancets and Lancing
The lancing device is intended for the collection of capillary whole blood
sample for testing purposes from the fingertip and from other sites, such
as palm, upper arm, and forearm, which is referred to as alternate site
testing. The lancing device is for use only on a single patient.
Intended Use
Step 1:
Inserting a Lancet
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
5. Instructions for use of Lancing Device
Remove the cap from the lancing
Insert a new lancet firmly into the
lancet holder as far as it will go.
Twist the protective cap to remove
from the lancet. (Don’t bend the
protective cap)
Place the cap back on to the device.
The cap must audibly click into place.
Control D