Water leakage sensor (optional)
Avoid dangerous situations in the further course of cooking.
In the case of too frequent false alarms, manual commissioning must be carried out.
Water leakage sensor (optional)
The cookguard functions can optionally be extended with up to four water leakage sensors. If the sen-
sors come into contact with water, a water leakage alarm is triggered (see Tab. 1). The status LED
flashes blue slowly accompanied by three signal tones.
Procedure with water leakage sensor:
Remove the cause of the water leakage.
Clean and dry water leakage sensor(s) with a clean cloth.
Press the operation button (3) to acknowledge the water leakage alarm.
The acoustic signal and flashing status LED (5) go out.
If the water leakage sensor remains wet, it retriggers an alarm after 8 hours.
Potential-free contacts (optional)
The device is equipped with two potential-free contacts, AUX1 and AUX2 (Bild 6), to which a KNX ra-
dio binary input can be connected, for example. In this way, for example, an alarm signal can be sent
to the KNX bus. The alarm signal remains activated until the alarm (see Hazardous situation, water
leakage) is acknowledged by pressing the OK button (3) on the sensor unit. The wiring of the poten-
tial-free contacts and their meaning is shown in Table 3.
In the normal mode of the AUX outputs, the contact between
is closed at ON and opened at
The AUX output signal can also be reversed. The reversed signal can, for example, be used to detect a
cable breakage or if the power supply has been interrupted completely (siehe "Connect potential-free
contacts", Seite 14). In the inverted case, the contact between the In and Out terminals in the OFF
state is closed and opened in the ON state.
If a KNX radio binary input is used, the usage of inverting AUX signals may lead to a reduc-
tion of the battery service life of the radio binary input.
The AUX outputs can be connected in four ways (Tab. 3). To forward the alarm message,
should be used.