Table of Contents
About Moving Magnet ............................................................ 1
Features ................................................................................. 2
Connect ...............................................................................3-4
Using ...................................................................................... 5
Warranty .................................................................Back Cover
Thank you for purchasing the Hafler PH50B™ phono stage,
one of the best sounding and most versatile phono preamps
ever made. The PH50B will boost the signal from your turn
table and apply the necessary RIAA curve, allowing you to
connect to a HIFI playback system, a pro audio console input
or a recording interface.
Before making any connections, make sure your audio system
is turned off. This will help avoid loud turn-on and connection
transients that can damage more sensitive components such
as tweeters.
The Hafler PH50B is designed for a turntable that is equipped
with a standard moving magnet cartridge, allowing for high
quality playback over balanced or unbalanced outputs. If your
turntable is equipped with a moving coil cartridge, please con
sider purchasing the PH60B, which is specifically designed for
these types of cartridges.
PH50B PHono sTage
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