Describing the PCS2 Device Components
P/N 85266-30, Manual revision: A
The PCS2 centrifuge contains a split, hinged lid (or
and a locking knob.
These components “seal” the system by:
Securing the contact of the disposable bowl with the centrifuge base.
Isolating the spinning bowl from the operator.
Centrifuge cover
The centrifuge lid, referred to as the
, has tabs located on the rimmed
portion of each split side. The split halves are attached to the centrifuge rim by a
hinge. As the halves of the lid are lowered to meet the rim, the tabs must be firmly
pressed together in order to completely close the lid and provide a seal around
the stationary head of the disposable bowl.
The split halves of the lid are made from a durable, transparent material, allowing
the operator to observe changes in the bowl contents as the centrifuge spins.
Locking knob
The knob is positioned on the rim of the centrifuge well.
Once the lid has been fully closed, the knob requires a series of turns in a clock-
wise direction to lock the centrifuge and thus completely seal the system.
To unlock the centrifuge, the operator should turn the knob in a counter-clock-
wise direction until the split halves can be separated, then lifted, to open the lid.
Figure 2-4, PCS2 centrifuge cover