Functional test
Lifting gear
Check lifting and lowering functions, initially without a load.
Then check the brake function under load. The load must be securely held.
Carefully move the trolley to the end positions and check the positions of the end stops.
Pos : 15.1 /1_H ADEF /12-IN STAND SETZUNG/ *Ü1*/ #. Kapit el - I nst andhaltung @ 0\ mod_1172647603139_52. doc x @ 405 @ @ 1
Pos : 15.2.1 /1_H ADEF /12-IN STAND SET ZUNG/ Allgemei n/ 01.Allgemein @ 0 \mod_1173251926256_52.doc x @ 469 @ @ 1
All monitoring, servicing and maintenance operations are to ensure correct functioning of the equipment;
they must be effected with utmost care.
“qualified persons” may do this work.
Servicing and maintenance work must only be done when the hoist is not loaded.
Records must be kept of all test results and measures taken.
Pos : 15.2.2 /1_H ADEF /12-IN STAND SET ZUNG/ Allgemei n/ 02.Ü ber wachung @ 0\ mod_1173254503420_52.doc x @ 472 @ @ 1
The monitoring and servicing intervals stated are valid for operation under normal conditions and single-shift
operation. In case of severe operating conditions (e.g. frequent operation with full load) or special
environmental conditions (e.g., heat, dust, etc.), the intervals must be shortened correspondingly
Pos : 15.3.1 /1_H ADEF /12-IN STAND SET ZUNG/ Last ket te wec hs eln/03. Alle @ 0\ mod_1173275448587_52. doc x @ 533 @ @ 1
Replacing the load chain
If there is any visible damage and when the conditions for replacement are reached (i.e. one or several
dimensions in the table have been reached, there is corrosion or elongation), the chain must be replaced.
When replacing the chain, also check the chain wheels.
Only insert new chains in an unloaded state and as the chains that are currently in the device
– i.e. not
Remove chain from its fastening at the end and attach a chain link which is open at the side.
A chain link which is open at the side, can
easily be produced by grinding out a small
piece. The opening must have the same
thickness as the chain link.
Illustration 4
Hang a new original chain (same size and oiled) in the side opened chain link and insert it.
Make sure the chain is not installed twisted.
Make sure the chain links are aligned in one direction.
Assemble the chain to the end fastening.
Pos : 16.1 /1_H ADEF /13-PRÜFUN G/* Ü1* /#. Kapit el - Pr üf ung @ 0\ mod_1173264087196_52. doc x @ 507 @ @ 1
Pos : 16.2 /1_H ADEF /13-PRÜFUN G/ Wi eder kehrende Pr üf ung/ 01. Wieder kehrende Prüfung @ 0\ mod_1175675257580_52.doc x @ 3164 @ @ 1
Periodic checks
Independently from the regulations of the individual countries, lifting devices must be checked at least yearly
by a qualified person or licensed qualified person regarding its functional safety.
Pos : 16.3.1 /1_H ADEF /13-PRÜFUN G/ Kett enz ug/ Allgemei n/ 01.Zu pr üf ende T eile @ 0\ mod_1173259827552_52. doc x @ 481 @ @ 1
Components to be checked
The following must be checked:
Dimensions of load chain, load hooks, pawls, bolts, ratchet wheels, brake linings.
The dimensions must be compared to the dimensions in the tables.
A visual inspection for deformations, cracks and corrosion must be carried out.
Pos : 16.3.2. 1 /1_H ADEF /13-PRÜFUN G/ Kett enz ug/T abelle-I ns pektionsi nt er vall e/ 02.Alle H + R ats chz üge @ 0\ mod_1178696489864_52.doc x @ 5741 @ @ 1