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Brushless DC Controller HST-50
Communication interfaces
The interfaces listed below are configured via the graphical user interface.
5.1 USB
The micro USB port supports high-speed communication to a host computer. The interface is recogni-
zed as a virtual comport and allows configuration of the controller, update of firmware, operation of the
controller and monitoring of live data on the screen.
The supplied GUI is required for this, as well as a commercially available micro USB cable.
5.2 PPM1 / PPM2
The controller supports two independent R/C -standard PPM inputs (Pulse-Pause-Modulation). Both
inputs are optically decoupled to avoid interference from sheath currents. The setpoint is calculated
from a pulse length between 1 and 2 milliseconds with a maximum repetition rate of 500Hz. The user
can configure the bandwidth for forward and reverse operation.
5.3 CAN1 / CAN2
Two independent CAN interfaces allow the reliable use of bidirectional communication even under
complex conditions. In addition to transmitting setpoints from the master to the controller, detailed tele-
metry data can be read back from the system. All connected HST-50 controllers receive their own CAN
ID and can thus be easily configured and updated via the CAN bus. The CAN bus protocol is available
on request.
5.4 MicroSD Datalogger
The integrated Micro-SD interface allows extensive data logging with selectable data rates up to
200Hz. All system parameters such as current, speed, controller temperature, diagnostics and flags
can be logged during operation and analyzed in the GUI. The storage location for the logs can be de-
fined in the GUI. In the current version of the FW this function is NOT yet integrated. This will become
available in one of the following versions.
5.5 I2C
The I²C bus is used for communication between the HST-50 and the master controller. The interface is
also optically decoupled. The standard UAV communication protocol from MICROCOPTER is suppor-
ted as well as a proprietary protocol. The bus protocols are available on request.
5.6 UART
The galvanically/optically decoupled UART interface can communicate with the master controller in
-full-duplex mode. The maximum baud rate is 115.200bps and allows the transmission of setpoint
data to the controller as well as a retransmission of diagnostic data to the master. The standard UAV
communication protocol from MIKROKOPTER is supported as well as a proprietary protocol. The bus
protocols are available on request.
Communication interfaces