D = 100mm
výchylka / deflection
± 45mm
± 25mm
± 30mm
naplno dolů
fully down
+ nahoru / UP
- dolů / DOWN
při vychýlení klapek dolů nastavte výchylku výškovky dolů cca 12mm
set the elevator deflection down aproximately 12mm with flaps fully down
Těžiště / C
enter of gravity:
Křidélko P
Aileron R
Klapka P
Flap R
Klapka L
Flap L
Poznámka /
Pro 5-kanálový přijímač použijte Y-kabel také na křidélka.
With 5-channel Rx use Y-cable for ailerons too.
Nastavení modelu /
Plane settings
Udržujte si přehled o pohybu ostatních modelů ve vzduchu. Je dobré mít
pomocníka, který provoz ostatních modelů sleduje a podává vám
informace. Po startu model srovnejte do vodorovného letu a vytrimujte tak,
aby letěl rovně. Postupně si vyzkoušejte různé režimy letu a manévry. Ve
větší výšce vyzkoušejte také minimální rychlost, abyste se seznámili s
chováním modelu při přistání. Pozor na kapacitu baterie, abyste jste s
modelem stihli včas přistát.
Chcete-li zahájit přiblížení na přistání, uberte plyn. Nechte nos modelu
mírně dolů a pomalu snižujte výšku letu a udržujte sníženou rychlost.
Udělejte poslední zatáčku směrem k přistávací dráze (proti větru),
udržujte sestupovou rovinu a rychlost letu.
Po dosažení prahu dráhy uberte plyn a přitahujte výškovku až se model
dotkne země. Stáhněte plyn a udržujte nataženou výškovku až do
zastavení modelu.
Remember to takeoff into the wind. When you're ready, point the model
straight down the runway, hold a bit of up elevator to keep the tail on the
ground, then gradually advance the throttle. As the model gains speed
decrease up elevator allowing the tail to come off the ground. One of the
most important things to remember with a tail dragger is to always be ready
to apply right rudder to counteract motor torque. Gain adequate speed
before gently applying up elevator, lifting the model into the air. Be smooth
on the elevator stick, allowing the model to establish a
climb to a
safe altitude before turning into the traffic pattern. OK - this is a highly
aerobatic model. After the first flight, a takeoff run of a few meters with a
vertical climb might be in order. But please, don't do this on the fírst flight.
Get used to the control throws first.
For reassurance and to keep an eye on other traffic, it is a good idea to
have an assistant on the flight line with you. Tell him to remind you to
throttle back once the plane gets to a comfortable altitude. While full
throttle is usually desirable for takeoff, most models fly more smoothly at
reduced speeds. Take it easy with the COOL MASTER for the first flight,
gradually getting acquainted with it as you gain confidence. Adjust the
trims to maintain straight and level flight. After flying around for a while and
while still at a safe altitude with plenty of battery life, practice slow flight and
execute practice landing approaches by reducing the throttle to see how
the model handles at slower speeds. Add power to see how she climbs as
well. Continue to fly around, executing various maneuvers and making
mental notes (or having your assistant write them down) of what trim or
C.G. changes may be required to fine tune the model so it flies the way you
like. Mind your battery charge, but use this first flight to become familiar
with your model before landing.
Poznámka: Výchylka uvedená v mm je měřena na odtokové
hraně kormidla nejdále od osy otáčení. Přesné nastavení si
upravte dle vlastních zvyklostí.
Note: Size of deflection in milimeters is measured at the
trailing edge furthest from the center of rotation. Customize
exact settings by your own.
To initiate a landing approach, lower the throttle while on the downwind leg.
Allow the nose of the model to pitch downward to gradually bleed off
altitude. Continue to lose altitude, but maintain airspeed by keeping the
nose down as you turn onto the crosswind leg. Make your final turn toward
the runway (into the wind) keeping the nose down to maintain airspeed
and control. Level the attitude when the model reaches the runway
threshold, modulating the throttle as necessary to maintain your glide path
and airspeed. If you are going to overshoot, smoothly advance the throttle
(always ready on the right rudder to counteract torque) and climb out to
make another attempt. When you're ready to make your landing flare and
the model is a foot or so off the deck, smoothly increase up elevator until it
gently touches down. Once the model is on the runway and has lost flying
speed, hold up elevator to place the tail on the ground. One final note about
flying your model. Have a goal or flight plan in mind for
flight. This
can be learning a new maneuver(s), improving a maneuver(s) you already
know, or learning how the model behaves in certain conditions (such as on
high or low rates). This is not necessarily to improve your skills
(though it is
bad idea!),
but more importantly so you do not surprise yourself by
impulsively attempting a maneuver and suddenly finding that you've run
out of time, altitude or airspeed. Every maneuver should be deliberate, not
impulsive. For example, if you're going to do a loop, check your altitude,
mind the wind direction (anticipating rudder corrections that will be
required to maintain heading), remember to throttle back at the top and
make certain you are on the desired rates (high/low rates). A flight plan
greatly reduces the chances of crashing your model just because of poor
planning and impulsive moves.
Remember to think.
Přijímač min 5 kanálový
Receiver min 5 channel
Křidélko L
Aileron L
Regulátor otáček
Speed controller
Pohonná baterie
Accu pack
Scheme - minimally 5 channel R/C set (6 channel recommended) with power set
Schéma zapojení - min. 5 kanálová RC souprava (doporučena 6 kanálová) s pohonnou jednotkou