D = 210-215mm MX2 Toxic
D = 195-200mm EDGE 540 v3 Toxic
Nastavení výchylek kormidel /
Control surface deflection settings
(MODE 1 - levý ovladač VOP + SOP; pravý ovladač plyn + křidélka / left hand el rudder; right hand gas + ailerons)
Udržujte si přehled o pohybu ostatních modelů ve vzduchu. Po startu
model srovnejte do vodorovného letu a vytrimujte tak, aby letěl rovně.
Postupně si vyzkoušejte různé režimy letu a manévry. Pozor na kapacitu
baterie, abyste s modelem stihli bezpečně přistát.
Chcete-li zahájit přistání, uberte plyn. Nechte nos modelu mírně dolů a
pomalu snižujte výšku letu a udržujte sníženou rychlost. Udělejte poslední
zatáčku směrem k místu přistání, udržujte sestupovou rovinu a rychlost
letu. Postupně ubírejte plyn a mírně přitahujte výškovku až se model
dotkne země. Stáhněte plyn.
Takeoff from ground or from your hand. When you're ready, point the
model straight down the runway, hold a bit of up elevator to keep the tail on
the ground, then gradually advance the throttle. As the model gains speed
decrease up elevator allowing the tail to come off the ground. Gain
adequate speed before gently applying up elevator, lifting the model into
the air. Be smooth on the elevator stick, allowing the model to establish a
climb to a safe altitude before turning into the traffic pattern. OK -
this is a highly aerobatic model. After the first flight, a takeoff run of a few
meters with a vertical climb might be in order. But please, don't do this on
the first flight. Get used to the control throws first.
For reassurance and to keep an eye on other traffic. Take it easy with the
model for the first flight, gradually getting acquainted with it as you gain
confidence. Adjust the trims to maintain straight and level flight. After flying
around for a while and while still at a safe altitude with plenty of battery life,
practice slow flight and execute practice landing approaches by reducing
the throttle to see how the model handles at slower speeds. Add power to
To initiate a landing, lower the throttle while on the downwind leg. Have a
goal or flight plan in mind for
flight. This can be learning a new
maneuver(s), improving a maneuver(s) you already know, or learning how
the model behaves in certain conditions (such as on high or low rates).
This is not necessarily to improve your skills
(though it is never
but more importantly so you do not surprise yourself by impulsively
attempting a maneuver and suddenly finding that you've run out of time,
altitude or airspeed. Every maneuver should be deliberate, not impulsive.
A flight plan greatly reduces the chances of crashing your model just
because of poor planning and impulsive moves.
Remember to think.
Kormidlo / Controlled
Nastavení / Settings
±30° 30%
±40° 40%
±45° 45%
Poznámka / Note: Přesné nastavení si upravte dle vlastních zvyklostí. /
Customize exact settings by your own.
±32° 30%
±45° 40%
±45° 45%
±30° 30%
±40° 40%
±45° 45%
Těžiště / C
enter of gravity:
Vyosení motoru /
Motor thrust angles:
Motor by měl být vyosen cca 1-2° doprava a 1-2° dolů. Vyosení nastavte vložením podložek mezi motor a motorovou přepážku v místě
upevňovacích šroubků. Model se správně vyoseným motorem nesmí ve svislém stoupání na plný plyn nikam uhýbat. Vyosení motoru,
kromě jiného, souvisí také s použitou vrtulí, tzn. že pro různé vrtule (různé pohonné jednotky) může být vyosení motoru různé.
To check your plane's side thrust, fly a straight and level pass at cruising speed. Apply full power and pull up in to a vertical climb, using
rudder only to straighten the climb initially. As soon as you can, centre the rudder stick and see if the plane yaws one way or another as
it's climbing vertically. If it yaws to the left, then more right thrust is needed, if it yaws to the right then there is too much right thrust. If
it climbs vertically then the side thrust is OK. To test the down thrust you can perform the same vertical climb; if your plane wants to
pitch inwards as if starting a loop then there's not enough down thrust. If it pitches outwards then there is too much down thrust.
Start with 1-2° for side thrust and 1-2° for down thrust. Insert washers between motor and motor mount plate to set motor thrust
Nezapomeňte také na správné stranové vyvážení modelu.
Don´t forget to balance your plane side-to-side.