Operating Instructions REFO 3 / REFO 3-D
Input procedure as explained above
Press the angle selector key to finish your input
Now program P9 is finished automatically. The standard number is displayed during the
calibration procedure. The M- or D-mode is indicated by letter D or M. Both standard
numbers can be stored.
B3 Configuration
Program Selection
With the program key you can skip between the programs, i.e. every pressing the pro-
gram key switches to the next program. The following programs are at choice:
Single-angle measurement
Difference measurement
Three-angle measurement
Memory print (not for REFO 3)
Standard check program
Input of standard number and calibration values
The selected program is indicated on the display above the program key. Program P7
can only be selected if a printer is connected. Programs P8 and P9 can only be selected
with the instrument placed on the standard.
D- and M-Modes (for REFO 3D only)
REFO 3D has two working areas. D-mode is meant for DIN-measurements and M-mode
for high-gloss measurements. REFO 3D selects the correct mode automatically after
calibration. In D-mode standard A is used for calibration, in M-mode the metal standard
is used. The current mode is indicated during the calibration by letter D or M before the
standard number.
C1 Calibration
It is recommended to calibrate at least once a day or after extended breaks. Before start-
ing to calibrate make sure that the standard is clean and the cloth removed.
The calibration is performed as follows:
Put REFO on the standard
Turn on REFO with key Meas/ON
Press key Meas/ON
During the calibration, the display reads
(for metal standard)
Wait for
Calibration is only possible with one of programs P1-P3 set. The system recognizes D-
or M-mode automatically and shows it on the display before the standard number.