Measuring Turbidity
Measurements may be made with SIGNAL AVERAGE on or off and with manual
or automatic range selection. Normally, it is recommended that measurements be
made with automatic range selection and SIGNAL AVERAGE on. When
SIGNAL AVERAGE is on, the instrument's microprocessor compiles a number of
readings and averages the result. The averaged value is calculated and displayed
approximately once every second.
The 2100N Laboratory
Turbidimeter is not intended for
use with flammable samples or
those containing hydrocarbons or
concentrated acids that might
attack the 2100N components.
Conduct compatibility tests prior to
analysis if the sample to be
monitored is in question.
Le turbidimètre de laboratoire 2100N n’est pas prévu pour utilisation avec des liquides
inflammables ou contenant des hydrocarbures ou acides concentrés qui pourraient
attaquer les composants du 2100N. Effectuer des essais préalables en cas de doute sur
la compatibilité de l’échantillon à contrôler.
El Turbidímetro de Laboratorio 2100N no está diseñado para usarse con muestras
inflamables o que contengan hidrocarburos o ácidos concentrados que puedan atacar
los componentes del 2100N. Ensaye antes del análisis si existe duda sobre la
compatibilidad de la muestra que se intenta analizar.
Das Labortrübungsmessgerät 2100N darf nicht zur Analyse entflammbarer Proben
oder Proben, die Kohlenwasserstoffe oder konzentrierte Säuren enthalten, welche die
Teile des 2100N angreifen könnten, verwendet werden. Wenn die Verträglichkeit der zu
bestimmenden Probe fraglich ist, sollten vor der Analyse Tests durchgeführt werden.
O Turbidímetro de Laboratório 2100N não é feito com o fim de ser empregado com
amostras inflamáveis ou aquelas que contêm hidrocarbonetos ou ácidos concentrados
que possam atacar os componentes do 2100N. Os testes devem ser executados antes da
análise se existe alguma dúvida com respeito à compatibilidade da amostra a monitorar.
Tài liệu sưu tầm của Trung Sơn - www.tschem.com.vn - 028.3811.9991 - [email protected]
Tài liệu sưu tầm của Trung Sơn - www.tschem.com.vn - 028.3811.9991 - [email protected]