96-0012 rev G
June 2003
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
P a l l e t C h a n g e r
P a l l e t C h a n g e r
There are 30 different pallet status values to use. The first four: UNSCHEDULED, SCHEDULED, LOADED, and
COMPLETED, are fixed and cannot be changed. The remaining 26 can be modified and used as needed.
Changing or adding status text can be done in the PST. Use the arrow keys to move the table cursor to the
“PALLET STATUS” column. Press the F1 key. A selection menu will appear over the “PALLET STATUS”
column. (Pressing F1 again or RESET will close the menu.) The number to the left of the text is the status
number. This number can be used with the M49 command to set the status from the part program. The items in
the menu can be selected with the UP and DOWN arrow keys, or the handle jog dial. Change the text by
pressing the letter keys then F3. change as many status items as desired. Note: all pallets use the same list
of status items. Pressing F1 closes the menu without changing the status of any of the pallets.
Resetting a status item to USER is done by selecting an item from the menu and selecting F4. All status
items can be reset at the same time with the ORIGIN key.
Changing the status of an individual pallet can be done from the PST or with the M49 command. In the PST,
move the table cursor to the “PALLET STATUS” column for the pallet desired. Press F1 for the status item
menu. Use the arrow keys to move to the correct status. Press F2 or WRITE. The menu will vanish and the
pallet status will be changed (some restrictions apply). See the description of the M49 command and the
following examples for setting the pallet status from a program.
System macro variables have been added ass follows. Note that these are read only, except for Pallet Priority
and Status, which can be written to when pallets are unloaded.
#3028 Number of pallet loaded on receiver
#7701-#7704 Program number assigned to pallet
#7501-#7504 Pallet Priority
#7801-#7804 Pallet usage count
#7601-#7604 Pallet Status
If alignment adjustments are necessary during operation, refer to the “Installation” section and
modify the appropriate settings.