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pg 21
QUestioN: How do i use the sanitizing tray for my
The Sanitizing Tray is to be used without the Ultra-Microfiber
Pad and can be attached directly to the unit. See directions
for attaching it and using it on pg 11-13.
QUestioN: Do i have to use distilled water in my
floor sanitizer?
We recommend distilled water, but you may use tap water,
unless you have hard water in your area. Using hard water
will shorten the life of your appliance.
QUestioN: How can i prolong the life of my
To optimize and extend the life of your Floor Sanitizer,
especially if your area has hard water, we recommend
using the
Fresh Rinse™
Lime and Scale Remover
(available on our web site) every six months.
QUestioN: Does the
work on pet stains?
Yes, the
is able to spot clean fresh stains by loosen-
ing and lifting the stain. See details for this on pg 12-13.
QUestioN: Where does the dirt go?
The FS-20 is
a vacuum, so it does not have any suction
power to pick up dirt. Be sure to vacuum or sweep up any
loose dirt before using your FS-20 Steam Cleaning Floor
Sanitizer. The FS-20 Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer is
designed to use the power of steam to thoroughly clean your
floor while killing 99.9% of germs and bacteria. You’ll notice
the bottom of your Ultra-Microfiber Pads will likely get dirty
after cleaning your hard surface floors. That’s why they’re
made to be washable and reusable.
QUestioN: Do all the germs and bacteria get trapped in
the water tank?
No. If you forget to empty the water tank after using the Floor
Sanitizer, the cutting-edge, silver nano-particle technology
used by
prevents any germ cultivation in the remain-
ing water. Furthermore, water in the tank is heated in excess
of 212°F, killing any bacteria or germs in the water as it
transforms into steam for the Floor Sanitizer.
Questions About the Floor Sanitizer