[PE1-LoopBack0] quit
[PE1] interface POS 2/1/2
[PE1-POS2/1/2] ip address 24
[PE1-POS2/1/2] isis enable 1
[PE1-POS2/1/2] mpls
[PE1-POS2/1/2] mpls ldp
[PE1-POS2/1/2] mpls ldp transport-address interface
[PE1-POS2/1/2] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp] peer as-number 100
[PE1-bgp] peer connect-interface loopback 0
[PE1-bgp] ipv4-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-af-vpnv4] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-af-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp] quit
The configurations for PE 2 are similar to those for PE 1. (Details not shown)
After completing the configurations, issue the
display mpls ldp session
command on PE 1 or PE 2;
the output shows that the LDP session has been successfully established. Issue the
display bgp peer
command; the output shows that the BGP peer relationship has been established and has reached
the Established state. Issue the
display isis peer
command; the output shows that the IS-IS neighbor
relationship has been set up. Take PE 1 as an example:
[PE1] display mpls ldp session
LDP Session(s) in Public Network
Peer-ID Status LAM SsnRole FT MD5 KA-Sent/Rcv
---------------------------------------------------------------- Operational DU Active Off Off 378/378
LAM : Label Advertisement Mode FT : Fault Tolerance
[PE1] display bgp peer
BGP local router ID :
Local AS number : 100
Total number of peers : 1 Peers in established state : 1
Peer AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ PrefRcv Up/Down State 100 162 145 0 0 02:12:47 Established
[PE1] display isis peer
Peer information for ISIS(1)
System Id Interface Circuit Id State HoldTime Type PRI
0000.0000.0005 POS2/1/2 001 Up 29s L1L2 --
Configure the customer carrier network: start IS-IS as the IGP and enable LDP between PE 3 and CE
1, and between PE 4 and CE 2 respectively
# Configure PE 3.
<PE3> system-view
[PE3] interface loopback 0