Hardware management and maintenance
The output depends on your router model. For more information about the commands used in this
chapter, see
H3C SR6600/SR6600-X Routers Command References
Displaying hardware information of the router
Displaying the software and hardware version information of
the router
Use the
display version
command to display software and hardware version information of the
router. The output includes the following information: the current software version and hardware
version, router operating time, type and operating time of each main processing unit (MPU) and
service module. The output of this command depends on your router model.
<Sysname> display version
Displaying the operational statistics of the router
When you perform routine maintenance or the system fails, you might need to view the operational
information of each functional module for locating failures. Generally, you need to run
commands one by one. To collect more information one time, you can execute the
command in any view to display or save the operational statistics of
multiple functional modules of the router. This command displays the output of the
display clock
display version
display device
, and
display current-configuration
To save the operational statistics of each functional module of the router, type
when the
system prompts you to save or display the diagnostic information.
<Sysname> display diagnostic-information
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:y
Please input the file name(*.diag)[cfa0:/default.diag]:aa.diag
Diagnostic information is outputting to cfa0:/aa.diag.
Please wait...
Save succeeded.
Execute the
more aa.diag
command in user view, and then press the
Page Up
keys to view the contents of the file
To display the operational statistics of each functional module of the router, type
when the
system prompts you to save or display the diagnostic information. The output is too much and
omitted here.
<Sysname> display diagnostic-information
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:n
===============display clock===============
08:54:16 UTC Fri 11/12/2017
===============display version===============