Installation Manual
H3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 4 System Commissioning
Before powering on the switch, make sure where the power switch of the equipment
room is located, so that you will be able to power off when meeting accidence.
4.2.2 Power-On
Turn on the power supply of the switch.
Power on the switch.
4.2.3 Check after Power-On (Recommended)
You are recommended to check as follows after powering on the switch to ensure the
configurations thereafter.
After a switch is powered on, the heat dissipation system starts working. You can
hear the noise as the fan rotates and feel air flow out from the vent.
Check if any system indicator on the SRPU indicates abnormal condition.
4.2.4 Startup Process
As the switch is started, the configuration terminal will yield the following output:
The following information may slightly vary with switch models and software versions.
System is booting...........***.....
* *
* H3C S7500E BOOTROM, Version 206 *
* *
Copyright(c) 2004-2008 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.
Creation date : Apr 11 2008, 10:15:28
CPU type : BCM1125H
CPU Clock Speed : 600Mhz