Diagnostic information is outputting to flash:/diag.tar.gz.
Please wait...
Save successfully.
<Sysname> dir flash:/
Directory of flash:
6 -rw- 898180 Jun 26 2013 09:23:51 diag.tar.gz
524288 KB total (107944 KB free)
# To display operating statistics on the monitor terminal, enter
at the prompt. (The output from
this command varies by software version.)
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N] :N
===============display clock===============
05:26:01 UTC Tue 01/01/2020
---- More ----
Display the content of the operating statistics file:
# Extract and decompress the operating statistics file.
<Sysname> tar extract archive-file diag.tar.gz
Extracting archive flash:/diag.tar.gz Done.
<Sysname> gunzip diag.gz
Decompressing file flash:/diag.gz.... Done.
# Display the content of the operating statistics file.
<Sysname> more diag
===============display clock===============
05:26:01 UTC Tue 01/01/2020
---- More ----
Contacting technical support
If you cannot resolve an issue after using the troubleshooting procedures in this document, contact
H3C Support. When you contact an authorized H3C support representative, be prepared to provide
the following information:
Information described in "
Product serial numbers.
This information will help the support engineer assist you as quickly as possible.
The following is the contact information for H3C Support:
Telephone number
mailto:E-mail—[email protected]
Troubleshooting hardware
This section provides troubleshooting information for common hardware issues.