Ethernet Switches
Pluggable Modules
specifications of the pluggable modules available
for the products.
Ethernet Switch Hot
Swappable Power
Module Ordering Guide
Guides you through ordering the hot-swappable
power modules available for the S5800-60C-PWR
switches in different cases.
Power configuration
RPS Ordering Information
for H3C Low-End Ethernet
Provides the RPS and switch compatibility matrix and
RPS cable specifications.
S5800 Series Ethernet
Switches Quick Start
S5820X Series
Ethernet Switches
Quick Start
S5800 Series Ethernet
Switches CE DOC
S5820X Series
Ethernet Switches CE
Provides regulatory information and the safety
instructions that must be followed during
S5800 Series Ethernet
Switches Quick Start
S5820X Series
Ethernet Switches
Quick Start
Guides you through initial installation and setup
procedures to help you quickly set up and use your
device with the minimum configuration.
S5800 Series Ethernet
Switches Installation
S5820X Series
Ethernet Switches
Installation Manual
Provides a complete guide to hardware installation
and hardware specifications.
Pluggable SFP[SFP+][XFP]
Transceiver Modules
Installation Guide
Guides you through installing SFP/SFP+/XFP
transceiver modules.
Hardware installation
Switch Video
Installation Guide
S5820X-28C Switch
Video Installation
Shows how to install the H3C S5800-60C-PWR and
H3C S5820X-28C Ethernet switches.
Configuration guide
Describe software features and configuration
Software configuration
Command reference
Provide a quick reference to all available
H3C Series Ethernet
Switches Login Password
Recovery Manual
Tells how to find the lost password or recover the
password when the login password is lost.
Operations and
Release notes
Provide information about the product release,
including the version history, hardware and software
compatibility matrix, version upgrade information,