All electromagnetic interference (EMI) sources, from outside or inside of the switch and application
system, adversely affect the switch in the following ways:
A conduction pattern of capacitance coupling.
Inductance coupling.
Electromagnetic wave radiation.
Common impedance (including the grounding system) coupling.
To prevent EMI, use the following guidelines:
If AC power is used, use a single-phase three-wire power receptacle with protection earth (PE) to
filter interference from the power grid.
Keep the switch far away from radio transmitting stations, radar stations, and high-frequency
Use electromagnetic shielding, for example, shielded interface cables, when necessary.
To prevent signal ports from getting damaged by overvoltage or overcurrent caused by lightning
strikes, route interface cables only indoors.
Laser safety
The switch is Class 1 laser device. Do not stare into any fiber port when the switch has power. The laser
light emitted from the optical fiber might hurt your eyes.
Installation tools
Flat-blade screwdriver
Phillips screwdriver
ESD wrist strap
All these installation tools are user supplied.