<Sysname> display irf-port load-sharing mode
irf-port Load-Sharing Mode:
Layer 2 traffic: packet type-based sharing
Layer 3 traffic: packet type-based sharing
# Display the global load sharing mode for IRF links. In this example, because a user-defined global
load sharing mode has been configured, the user-defined global load sharing mode applies.
<Sysname> display irf-port load-sharing mode
irf-port Load-Sharing Mode:
destination-ip address source-ip address
# Display the load sharing mode of IRF-port 1/1. In this example, because neither port-specific load
sharing mode nor user-defined global load sharing mode has been configured, the default global
load sharing mode applies.
<Sysname> display irf-port load-sharing mode irf-port 1/1
irf-port1/1 Load-Sharing Mode:
Layer 2 traffic: packet type-based sharing
Layer 3 traffic: packet type-based sharing
# Display the load sharing mode of IRF-port 1/1 after destination MAC-based load sharing is
configured on the port.
<Sysname> display irf-port load-sharing mode irf-port 1/1
irf-port1/1 Load-Sharing Mode:
destination-mac address
Table 5 Command output
Field Description
irf-port Load-Sharing Mode
Global load sharing mode for IRF links:
If no global IRF link load sharing mode has been configured,
the default global load sharing mode applies.
If a user-defined global load sharing mode has been
configured, the configured mode applies.
irf-port1/1 Load-Sharing Mode
Link load sharing mode of IRF-port 1/1:
If you have not configured a port-specific load sharing mode,
the global IRF link load sharing mode applies.
If you have configured a port-specific load sharing mode, the
configured mode applies.
Layer 2 traffic: packet type-based
Default load sharing mode for traffic that has no IP header. By
default, this type of traffic is distributed based on packet types.
Layer 3 traffic: packet type-based
Default load sharing mode for non-TCP/-UDP IP packets. By
default, this type of traffic is distributed based on packet types.
destination-ip address source-ip
Configured global load sharing mode. Traffic is distributed based
on destination and source IP addresses.
destination-mac address
Configured load sharing mode for IRF-port 1/1. Traffic is
distributed based on destination MAC addresses.
display mad
display mad
to display MAD status and settings.
display mad