Proper maintenance of your distiller is very simple. The boiler
accumulates the contaminants and impurities that are in the source
water and that have been removed from the distilled water. It is
advisable to flush the boiler at least once per month or more
frequently if your water conditions are very hard.
WARNING! Do not attempt to drain the boiler until at least
one hour after the unit has turned off or scalding could occur.
It is suggested to obtain a clear plastic or rubber hose of sufficient
length to reach from the unit to your sink for ease of draining. But
the tank can be drained into a bucket if desired.
Flushing procedure is as follows:
1-Remove the top cover.
2-Set heating element switch to the OFF position.
3-Open the metal boiler drain valve which protrudes from the right
side of the distiller. Allow water to drain into sink or bucket.
4-Source water will flow into the boiler resulting in a clean rinse or
5-When the water flow is clear from the drain valve, close it only
hand tight so no leakage will occur but the internal valve will not
be damaged.
6-Wait until the boiler refills which takes about one minute.
Reposition the switch to the ON position.
7-Replace the top cover.
Your distiller is back on line.
The more frequently the above process is conducted, the fewer
major cleanings will have to be preformed as the scale and
contaminants will be flushed away instead of allowed to harden on
the heating element and interior of the boiling tank.
If necessary to remove hard water scale from the boiler and
heating element:
1-Be sure the power switch is off and the unit has been allowed to
cool, and unplug the unit from the wall outlet.
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