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cos105000_200-300_75-125, rev. 1.03
© 1988 - 2019 h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh
8.7 Interfere with automatic program
Basic functions
Buttons / displays
Further information
Alter speed
Press “+” or “-“.
Profile / test mode:
Only valid for current step.
Cardio mode:
Reduce the speed with “-“ or
exceed the max. speed with “+”;
This sets a new max. speed
Decelerate to 0 km/h to pause the
operation (see “pause function”).
Alter elevation
Press “up” or “down”.
Profile / test mode:
Only valid for current step.
Switch between modes
Press “enter” together with “+” or
Switch to automatic mode:
Further settings are necessary to
Profile or test mode:
Switch between steps
Press “enter” together with “up” or
Cardio mode only:
Change heart rate upper limit
Press “enter” together with “up” or
Heart rate lower limit follows
according to initial range.