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cos105000_200-300_75-125, rev. 1.03
© 1988 - 2019 h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh
6 UserTerminal
6.1 Keys and displays
Primary function
Secondary functions
Displays currently activated mode
Displays current speed in m/min, km/h, m/s or mph (see LED)*
Displays max. speed when selecting modes
Displays covered distance in m, km or miles (see LED)*
Displays elapsed time in minmin:ss or hh:minmin
Displays duration when selecting profiles
Displays current elevation in % or degrees (see LED)*
Displays current profile step / number (see
Displays MET, energy and power in MET, kJ or Watt and UKK
fitness index (see LED)
Displays measured heart rate (in case optional chest belt is
Displays parameter when setting cardio
mode or UKK walk test
The displays may show service information and error messages as well (see “trouble shooting”).
*adjust units and decimals with OP 12-14
Primary function
Secondary functions
Select mode
Decrease / increase current speed
Navigate through settings, adjust parameters
Decrease / increase current elevation
See “interfere with automatic program”
Conform mode
Start the operation
Confirm setting (“enter”)
Stop the operation
Not an emergency stop / off!
Abort setting (“cancel”)
Exit user options (“cancel”)
See “emergency off”
In case of emergency, press the emergency off button!
Depending on the operation mode, the keys have additional functions (see “operation”).
Press the keys softly. As confirmation, you will hear a beep.
Always the latest command will be executed, regardless of whether it came via interface or from the UserTerminal during one of the
four modes. Only stop command has higher priority and cannot be overwritten.