6.0 Recommended Safety Guidelines
7.0 Machine & Welding Hazards
Safety precautions & recommendations include:
• Repair or replace defective cables immediately
• Never look directly at the arc except through an
appropriate protective shade level lens
• In confined spaces, adequate ventilation and constant
observation are essential
• Leads and cables should be kept clear of foot traffic areas
to prevent accidental tripping or stumbling
• Keep fire extinguishing equipment in a handy location
• Keep primary terminals and live parts effectively covered
• Never strike an electrode on any gas cylinder
• Never use oxygen for venting containers
Fumes and gases produced during
the welding process are harmful
Disconnect from power before
assembling or adjusting machine
Welding arc rays are harmful
to eyes and skin
Do not operate in confined spaces
or inadequate ventilation
Use forced ventilation or exhaust
to remove welding fumes
Always use a welding helmet with
appropriate shade level lens
Read instructional manual
fully before operating
Seek proper training
before operating
Electric shock hazard
Wear dry, insulated welding gloves
while operating
Insulate yourself from work &
ground to prevent shock
Welding electrode may
cause electric shock