Dimming Actuators
Parameter “Time for dimming down to 20% (Duration=Entry*2)”
This function defines the time that the brightness value of the staircase lamps goes down to 20%:
The maximum input value is 255s.
The luminaries will be switched off when the brightness value of the staircase goes down to 20%.
Parameter “Brightness value for staircase lighting(20%...100%)”
The function defines the brightness value of the staircase when switching on the luminaries by “switch”
Parameter “Staircase lighting after bus voltage recovery”
The function defines the status of the staircase luminaries after the BUS power recovery. Options:
Switch on
Switch off
The option “Switch on” means switch on the staircase luminaries after the BUS power recovery;
duration=base*factor. It is to use the parameter “Time for dimming down to 20% (Duration=Entry*2)” to set the
DOWN time. The option “Switch off” means switch off the staircase lamps after the BUS power recovery.
Parameter “Staircase value at permanent-on(20%..100%)”
The function defines the output status of the staircase luminaries as a fixed brightness value. It will not
switch off the staircase luminaries without receiving the OFF message from “permanent on”. “permanent on” is
another output mode of the staircase luminaries. The DOWN time of turning off the luminaries is set by the
parameter “Time for dimming down to 20% (Duration=Entry*2)”. It will switch off the luminaries when going
down to 20%. The range is 20%~100%.
Parameter “On reception switch OBJ=0 switch off enable”
It is able to send off command out by “switch” no matter in switch or permanent on mode with “Enable”; but
only stop outputting “Permanent on” by using “permanent on” to send OFF command in the “permanent on”
lighting mode with “Disable”.
Note: In the switch output mode, it can start the “permanent on” output mode, but can’t be performed
the close operation of “permanent on” when you did not start the “permanent on” output mode.