Operating Manual
Valving Rod Does Not Open
Check the air supply.
Check for proper setting of the valving rod stop adjustment screw.
Check for proper adjustment of the felt wiper retainer.
The solution to each of these conditions should be relatively straight
forward by reference to the appropriate sections of this manual
If steps 1-3 fail to resolve the problem, proceed as follows:
Remove the valving rod.
Manually exercise the air cylinder piston rod; it should move with very
little resistance. If it does not, check that the piston rod is free of any
material buildup, and lubricate the inside of the cylinder with
Liquid Does Not Enter The Mixing Chamber
The object of producing foam is to combine the two liquids in the gun. If
they are in the proper ratio, under sufficient pressure, and at the proper
temperature, the gun will dispense a quality product.
The object of producing foam is to combine the two liquids in the gun. If
they are in the proper ratio, under sufficient pressure, and at the proper
temperature, the gun will dispense a quality product.
which chemical did not enter the chamber
what does the pressure gauge of the missing component indicate
Generally speaking, the experienced operator will be able to identify the
missing chemical by the color of the foam. A dark color indicates the resin
component is missing, and a frothy white indicates the isocyanate
component is missing.
Observe the pressure gauge of the missing component: a high pressure
reading indicates a problem at the gun and a low pressure reading indicates
a problem at the proportioner. Only the gun problem will be discussed
here. Consult the appropriate proportioner manual for additional