Connector pin-outs
Pins V, W, X and Y are only used when the remote centring option is
fitted. Pin Y serves as the return for motor currents. Without the remote
centring option, grounding Pin U puts the instrument into one-second
mode. With the remote centring option, grounding pin U for seven
seconds initiates automatic centring.
These connectors are plug-compatible with the Güralp 3ESP, so you can use Güralp
3ESP hand-held control units and breakout boxes to monitor the low-gain velocity
outputs and run calibrations. Pressing
on a Güralp 3ESP hand-
held control unit activates pin U and switches the 40T into one-second mode for as
long as the buttons are held down. You must do this before you can monitor mass
position outputs,
for offset zeroing.
40T units with the optional additional high-gain outputs cannot be
used with a Güralp 3ESP breakout box. The pin-outs for these sensors are
given in the next section.
Pin R,
Calibration enable
, is equivalent to the vertical calibration enable line on a
Güralp 3ESP, so you can calibrate all channels by setting up Scream! or a hand-held
control unit to calibrate the vertical channel.
Issue F - June 2019