10. Packaging Disposal Method
Cardboard – recycle as the indicated symbol directs.
PE-LD plastic wrap (low-density branched polyethylene) – re-
cycle as the indicated symbol directs.
11. Type Parameters Tag
Each boat is provided with its own Type Parameters Tag which
displays the most important technical parameters.
Please follow these values. Above all, do not overload the boat
and maintain the recommended maximum pressures in the air
Drawing and legend
Boating sports can be very dangerous and physically deman-
ding. The user of this product must realise that boating sports
activities can cause serious injuries or even death. When
using this product, follow the safety standards speci
ed below:
Learn how to use this type of boat.
Undergo certi
rst-aid training, obtain a
rst-aid kit and
always carry rescue/safety equipment with you.
Always use certi
otation life-jackets.
Always wear an appropriate helmet if the speci
c conditi-
ons require it; wear proper clothes according to the speci
weather conditions; cold water and/or cold weather can
cause hypothermia.
Prior to every use, check your equipment to make sure it is
not damaged.
Never use the boat on water alone.
Never use the boat on rivers with apparently high water level.
Pay attention to inspecting the water level, dangerous cu-
rrents and weather changes; when on the sea, pay attenti-
on to changes in the incoming/outgoing tide.
Inspect all unknown sections of rivers on which you want
to use the boat; carry the boat over all places where it is
Do not overestimate your abilities when on the water; be
Prior to setting off on the water, consult your state of health
with your doctor.
Follow the manufacturer's recommendations concerning
the use of this product.
Prior to using this product, never drink any alcohol or use
any drugs.
If other boat accessories are available, use only the materi-
als approved by the manufacturer.
Prior to using this product, read the User's Manual.
The user of this product must master basic boating skills and
be aware of the risks related to this kind of sport.
The Guarantee Certi
cate is attached to this manual.
maximum operational pressure
maximum number of people
maximum load
Maximum engine power
Explanation of the symbols used: