Step 7:
To stop recording, press and hold the button for about 3 seconds. The red and blue
LEDs will begin to blink rapidly for 2 seconds and then turn off. Release the button and
the X16-1D turns off. Pressing the button again restarts the logger and data is recorded
to a new file.
Step 8:
Plug the logger into a PC and allow the logger to mount as a USB drive. The data file
will appear in the “GCDC” directory.
Step 9:
The data recorded to the files must be converted to determine acceleration in “g” units.
Divide the Ax, Ay, Az columns by 2048 to determine g units. See section 3.3 for a
complete discussion of data conversion.
Gulf Coast Data Concepts
Page 7
X16-1D, Rev B
Figure 9: Starting the X16-1D
Figure 10: Sensor Orientation