Customer Helpline
0333 3201989
Assembly Instructions
3 Adjusting the blade
The blade tension has to be set correctly before you can adjust the blade.
Undo the Hood Closure (13) with the screwdriver from outside and open the Side Cover (12).
(See Fig C)
Slowly turn the Upper Blade Pulley (8) clockwise by hand. The blade (26) should run in the
middle of the pulley. If It does not, you will have to adjust the tilt of the Upper Blade Pulley
If the blade(26) tends to run to the back of the Upper Blade Pulley (8),turn the Setting Screw
(22) anti-clockwise while turning the Upper Blade Pulley (8) by hand until the blade (26)
runs in the middle.
If the blade(26) tends to run to the front edge of the Upper Blade Pulley (8), turn the Setting
Screw (22) in a clockwise direction.
After setting the Upper Blade Pulley (8) you need to check the blade (26) position on the
Lower Blade Pulley(7). The blade (26) should run in the middle of the Lower Blade Pulley
(7). as above. If It does not, you will have to adjust the tilt of the Upper Blade Pulley (8)
Turn the upper blade pulley several times until the adjustment to the Upper Blade Pulley
(8) has an effect on the blade position of the Lower Blade Pulley(7).
After any adjustments have been carried out, the Side Covers (12) must be closed again and
resecured with the Hood Closure (13).