1. Introduction
You have chosen Vega DX/AM, Guardall’s multi-featured PIR sensor
with advance Interlocking Quad ESP (Exceptional Signal Processing)
Detection Technology and - for the Vega AM - Anti-Masking Capability.
The following instructions provide guidance on how to install and test
the sensor to suit your requirements. Note that as the Vega AM has the
same features as the Vega DX, with the addition of an Anti-Mask
facility, these instructions can be used to install both units. Sections
covering Anti-Mask characteristics are printed in italics. Should you
encounter any difficulty in the installation of Vega DX/AM, then please
contact your supplier.
2. Description (See Diagram 1 - Vega AM shown)
1. Front Cover Screw (Loosen Only - Do Not Remove)
2. Front Cover
3. Window/Mirror Locking Screws - 2 off (Loosen Only - Do Not
4. TM4 Connection Point
5. Electronics Module
6. Connector Block (See Diagram 3)
7. Front Cover Tamper Switch
8. DIL Switches
9. Cable Anchor and Cable Entry Points
10. Hole for Front Cover Screw
11. Wall Tamper Cover
12. Spare Terminals
13. Holes for Corner Mounting (see Diagram 2 for more detail)
14. Back Cover
15. Holes for Wall Mounting (see Diagram 2 for more detail)
16. Locating Lug
17. Mirror Adjustment Tab - 2 off
18. Mirror (Volumetric model shown)
19. Sneak Mirror
20. Front Window
21. LED Window
22. Anti-Mask Window
23. Pet Alley Blanking Piece - remove front strip when fitting to
volumetric units
3. DX Technology
Vega DX uses Guardall's advanced Interlocking Quad ESP Detection
Technology which, through the use of unique detectors and proprietary
signal processing techniques, offers greater false alarm reduction over
both conventional dual element sensors and other "quad" technology
sensors. Simple dual element sensors cannot exploit all of the information
available while other quad element sensors do not have the same
sophisticated signal processing required to differentiate between real
and false alarms.
4. Anti-Mask Circuitry
Vega AM combines both Interlocking Quad ESP Detection Technology
and an Anti-Mask facility to detect the presence of material placed on
or near the sensor in an attempt to impair its detection capability. Vega
AM also has the ability to detect the presence of material which has
been put in place before power is applied to the sensor. In this case an
anti-mask signal will be given after the sensor's power up sequence.
The installer has three options available in the way that the anti-mask
indication is displayed. Details of these options are outlined later in
these instructions.