Issue 1.03
2 classes programmable.
Reed switch testing.
The fire LED allows 360° viewing.
Output terminal for remote indicator available.
Complying with EN 54-5.
DC-9103 Innovation Dual Heat Detector is a new generation
product of GST. With built-in microprocessor, it works stably by
being fixed with highly reliable fire judging program.
On detecting a fire signal, it can change its own current to
transmit the signal to fire alarm control panel (FACP) or
addressable zone monitor unit. The detector keeps illuminating
fire LED until it is reset by power-down.
Connection and Wiring
The detector bottom is shown in Fig. 1 and the base in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
There are four terminals with numbers on the base.
1: Detection zone positive IN
2: Detection zone positive OUT
3: Detection zone negative IN and OUT
2: Positive terminal of remote indicator
4: Negative terminal of remote indicator
Recommended Wiring
or above fire cable for all terminals laid through metal
conduit or flame retardant conduit, subject to local codes.
Note: It
’s recommended to use cables of different colors to
avoid incorrect wiring.
First fix the orientation base with two tapping screws. Then align
A (Fig. 1) on the bottom of the detector to B (Fig. 2) of the base,
and rotate the detector clockwise to mark C.
Mounting of the detector is shown in Fig. 3.
Electric Box
Fig. 3
Warning: The alarm current depends on the current limit of
the FACP. 24VDC power cannot be applied to the detector
directly. Otherwise the detector may be damaged for lack of
current- limit resistor.
The default class of the detector is A1R, which can be modified
using GST handheld programmer.
When the programmer is in standby state, entering unlock
password and pressing “Clear”, it will be unlocked. Pressing
followed by
, there will be a “-”at the last digit. Entering
different number corresponding to the classes
(“2” for A1R, “3” for
A2S) followed by
“Program”, there will be a “P” shown on the
screen, indicating its class is programmed. Pressing
“Clear” can
clear the
“P”, and entering locking password followed by “Clear”
will exit.
The detector is especially applicable to places where fire occurs
with a sharp rise of temperature. Used together with smoke
detectors, it can help to increase the reliability of fire detection
thus reducing losses.
When the detector is connected with compatible FACP or
addressable zone monitor unit in series, if DP-9907 Active
End of Line Unit (AEOL) is connected to the end of output loop,
a DB-01D base should be used.
If the AEOL is used as the detector base, a conventional
detector can be installed on it. The system composition is
shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4
When the AEOL is not used as the detector base, a cover
should be put on it. The system composition is shown in
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5
When the detector is connected with conventional FACP or
addressable zone monitor unit, if a 4.7k
Ω end of line resistor is
connected to the end of output loop, DB-01 base is used. The
system composition is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6
Innovation Dual Heat Detector